March 30, 2009

Labour's Porn Problem

I didn't write much about the last Labour sex sandal other than to say I felt it was a private affair. This one is different. Jack Boots Jaqui's better half was found buying porn on her expenses account. He was using our money to indulge in something that Labour has shown itself only too ready to try and regulate with idiotic laws that could make the likes of Watchmen illegal. The problem is not that he was wanking off to porn of course. Quite frankly if it was masturbation or sex with Jacqui-Boots Smith so can you really blame him? Who would really want to stick it into that diseased and putrid hole. That they were ever able to spawn is a surprise. Having her sweating visage gurning at him must have made him thin he had accidentally switched from his porno channel and onto the horror. Perhaps he normally takes her from behind? It would avoid the need to look and anal would certainly be a cleaner and more healthy option than the front entrance, and there might even be some chance of touching the sides by doing it that way. Jerk off all you want but an MPs salary should be able to satisfy for most pornographic needs, or perhaps Mr Timney (he didn't want to have the same name as her, and you cannot blame his for that as well. Personally I'm not keen on having to share oxygen with the bitch) is in need of some more specialist stimulation: Barely legal, barely living, or given who he married, barely human? Or all three? Perhaps we now know the real reason behind the Labour anti-porn crusade. It isn't about enforcing their own puritanical morality on others, it is about trying to pry other halves away from the porn so as they might actually get some kind of a desperation fuck once in a while. Either way their hypocrisy is as rank as Mrs Smiths fetid and scabrous vagina.


Blogger Fidothedog said...

Well said, a wonderful slating of Jackboots fetid bits.

4:45 am  

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